Thursday, November 11, 2004

Party is NOT Over Yet

Mozilla Firefox has been released, party has been celebrated, so what next?
Should this joy end like the previous fenomena (i mean Microsoft and Internet Explorer who reached their peak and finally stopped their development process to make a better browser application with less bugs and added functionality)? I don't want that to happen on the development process of Mozilla Firefox because i believe that Firefox has a longer roadmap than IE does and it does have. You can search in the Mozilla's website and they have published their roadmap for 2004 and 2005. Maybe you can find it also in my previous blog.

Right now, every electronic media is talking about Firefox. It is definetly a true big leap since IE dominates browser market for about five years (or maybe more). It's Firefox who cracked their domination in this year, even though the market share still dominated by Internet Explorer, but it already dropping down to 3-4% and Mozilla Foundation is hoping that they will get about 10% by the end of this year. You can view Firefox's articles in PCWorld, Extremetech, eWeek, CNET, The Guardian, CNN, Libération, BBC, Financial Times, Los Angeles Times, and Aljazeera.

There are also some third party support for Mozilla Firefox, such as Vivisimo has released the Clusty Toolbar for Firefox, which lets Firefox users easily perform searches using VivĂ­simo's Clusty search engine. In addition, the extension's ClustyClips feature provides access to pop-up dictionary definitions or encyclopedia articles relating to any term on a page. There's also a Mini-Mode option, which allows users to collapse the toolbar into the standard Firefox Search bar, saving screen space.

Another third party support is the launch of the new Bloglines Firefox Central site, which offers two community-developed Firefox extensions. The first, Bloglines Toolkit, adds various Bloglines integration features to Firefox, such as a notifier that informs users when new information is posted to their Bloglines feed list. The second extension, LiveLines, changes the Firefox Live Bookmark icon (in the Status Bar) so that it adds feeds to a user's Bloglines feed list instead of creating a new Live Bookmark.

You can view some blog from the persons behind the Firefox development team, such as Blake, Mitchell, and also Ben. They showed their opinion about Firefox development process.

Some reports stated that Mozilla Firefox has been downloaded more than one million times in the first day it was released. That's an extraordinary fenomena that ever happen in the OpenSource environment, since Firefox is not only for Linux, but also for Windows and Mac OS platforms.

I believe that Firefox will not stop like this and enjoy their victory, but they will keep moving on making a better, safer, and faster browser that can be enjoyed by all people around the world. They still have a lot of tasks to be done for the next release for Firefox.

Bradley has posted his Extension, called LookAhead and i think that's a great Extensions. Here are the summary :
"The Lookahead extension for the Firefox browser was created to provide for efficient usage of time while a user performs Google searches.

The extension adds functionality to the existing SearchBar in Firefox. See the screenshot page for an idea of how it will look after installation.

The Lookahead project was conceived as a result of an idea the project lead had for a year or so of making use of the ability of a machine to download multiple web pages while the user was viewing one page for the desired information. In utilizing the time the user is viewing a web page for relevant information to retrieve additional resources, the time normally spent waiting for the next resource to download is somewhat avoided.

The idea is fairly simple and little code is required. After the user chooses the LookAhead mode for Google searches in the toolbar, subsequent searches use the Google Web Service to query for URLs matching the search and these URLs are loaded into multiple tabs in the browser (the default is to open 5 tabs but is configurable). The user can then quickly scan the returned resources for the desired information and close those windows providing nothing of value.

If you want to install this extensions, you can visit MozDev and search for LookAhead or you can install it from here.

Thanks to Bradley who read my blog and gives this blog an updates :)

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