Monday, October 22, 2007

Back to Daily Activities

Today, most people will go back to their normal activities, after having quite a long holidays. Some of us have started to work since last week, but since the government has stated that the holidays will took place until 19 October, the normal activities will start today. Luckily, bank activities has started last week also, so people can enjoy their holidays and still can access their accounts without any problems. Just think when banks were closed until today. What a mess for travelers who didn't bring money at all, since they thought bank and ATM will be available.

Two days ago, Jogja has became less crowded. Many people from outside Jogja has came back to their cities thus the street wasn't as crowded as before. It's very common for Jogja to be as crowded as before, since many people came to Jogja on holidays (including foreigners). Jogja is one of the target when people came to Indonesia (besides Bali). Perhaps they were interested with the cultures and probably the palace. It's good to see many foreigners came back to Indonesia again. Tourism will be a good assets for Indonesia big hug

Enjoy new day and happy monday big grin

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