I actually wanted to get iPhone, but since iPhone 5s is not yet available in Indonesia, i had to buy it from Malaysia or Singapore or i will need to buy it in higher price from third party. If i bought it overseas, then i will face a problem with warranty as Apple's International Warranty doesn't apply to iPhone AFAIK.
So i'm left with Android-based phones. There are so many Android-based phones, but i'm looking for a smartphone that is unique and hopefully long-lasting, in terms of the product support. Few months ago, i read an article about Sony Xperia Z1 (at that time, this product hasn't been released yet) and amazed by it's design and specs. I thought i would like to get this one once it's released.
When i got home, i unpacked the new phone and switch it on and start configuring it. While configuring it, i noticed that there was an offer to upgrade to Android 4.3, and i decided to move on since it's a new phone anyway. The upgrade went smoothly, but left me one problem that i didn't notice before. During the migration, the SMSC number was changed into "+7", 145, which isn't the correct SMSC number for my operator. I browsed some sites and found similar problem. I tried every solutions but everything failed. So i decided to do a factory reset on customizations and it DID the trick. I lost all of my previous configuration and settings, but then the SMSC number is now properly set, so i can send text messages normally again.
I redo my configuration and also downloading apps that i need for my daily activities and just under one hour, i have the proper setting for it.
I love my new phone and hopefully it can last longer than my previous phone :)