We started at 9 AM and since most of them knew about GIT and have been using it, so i skipped the basic of GIT and jump to the git branching feature and i also showed them some real examples on how to do branching, merging, interactive rebase, and many more. I mostly use SlackBuilds project as an example with some example from other open source project like sbopkg, mate-desktop, and of course Linux kernel. We ended the tech talk in 11:30 AM. It took longer than what i predicted.
What's more important is not about the tool, but how can we utilize this tool to help our work, so i strongly advice them to decide their own workflow and apply a strict policy about some best practices, like coding standard and commit message. It's a simple thing, but it really helps others when working in collaboration.
I was grateful that i joined and contributed to many open source projects before so i learned this naturally. I remember i started to join the OpenOffice.org community and started to learn about CVS with lots of help by the community. Later on, i joined SBo project and learn more about GIT. By working hand by hand with the community, you can gain more.
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