Thursday, June 16, 2005

Maybe Not Today

Well, the changes has been delayed, since Slackware wasn't able to be installed on my desktop. It couldn't detect my harddrive. Perhaps i shall wait until i get the FC4 CDs. I haven't use RedHat since 7.2, and now, i will try FC4. What a great jump, but it doesn't matter. FC has been updated with many improvements, so i should get on it easily. Let's wait for a few days.


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    ganti-ganti OS melulu Wil..
    ntar lama-lama : "..pake FreeBSD aja dech.."


  2. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Mas willy, pake suse aja piye??

  3. Aku dah pake FreeBSD kalo di kampus :)
    server kampus pake FreeBSD juga soalnya

    SuSE juga udah pernah (9.0), tapi entah kenapa gak terlalu cocok juga (enak sih enak
