Saturday, February 19, 2011

hjsplit for Linux

In the past, i have to use Wine in order to ran hjsplit to split/join files, since it's only available on Windows platform, but since November 21, 2010, hjsplit is also available to Linux platform Yahoo

It's built using Free Pascal/Lazarus, but it has no dependencies to kylix libraries which is unmaintained anymore. It also has so many new features compared to the old version available in Windows such as:
  • HJSplit is now able to generate MD5 checksums.
  • You can now also specify 'Gigabytes' as units inside the split screen.
  • 'Pause' button to the progress form.
  • 'Cancel' button to the progress form. This allows you to cancel the current operation (split, join, compare or checksum). When pressing 'Cancel' HJSplit pauses and asks for confirmation.
  • The progress display now also explicitly includes the current progress percentage (0% - 100%).
  • When you cancel a split operation, the split files that were created during this operation will be deleted. This is to prevent an invalid set of split parts being left on your system.
  • When you cancel a join operation, the joined file will be deleted. This is to prevent leaving an invalid joined file on your system.
  • Support for very large files. HJSplit for Linux can now split and recombine files of over 100 Gigabytes.
All you need is download the files and extract them and run it and you will get something like this on your desktop:


  1. In terminal, key in the following commands: "split" to split files, "cat file1 file2 >> file1+2" to join/concat files. I always refrain from using Wine, because what's the point of using Linux, if we still use Windows programs.

  2. i mean for files that were splitted using hjsplit, we must use hjsplit, since the your command will not work :)

  3. I love this. Previous version of HJ-Split for Linux needs kylix library dependency. But this one just works. Thanks for the information.
