Thursday, January 06, 2011

Yahoo/Plurk Emoticons Updated

I have just uploaded a new version of Yahoo/Plurk Emoticons for Blogger script to my Box.Net account. It contains one more hidden emoticon which i think very funny. It's a dancing android logo Droid Dance. I wish there will be more dancing emoticons in the future Yahoo

Remember to install Greasemonkey extension first if you want to use this script on Blogger. Also note that this script is not yet working on new editor. You will have to use the old editor or else you won't see the emoticons on the Blogger Editor.


  1. Wah kayaknya dah lama banget nich ngeblog. kenalin ak dari anak Biologi UKDW. Mohon reviewnya donk buat blog ku

  2. bagus kok isinya cukup sesuai dengan bidang yang Anda pelajari

    sukses selalu dan terus posting :)

  3. Sekarang sudah ada lagi emot barunyaaaa... yang aha, troll, pokerface, whatever, bah, fuu, yay, dan yea. Sudah diupdate kah?

  4. yang itu kayaknya tidak saya masukkan
    menurutku jelek banget hheheheeh
