Thursday, February 23, 2006

Start Blogging

Some of my friends have started to make a new blog account and fill their website with blogs. It's not a new trend, since blogging has existed since last year (or perhaps more), but the popularity of blogging in Indonesia has just started lately, when people started to realize that they can express their mind and thought via blog. They can write anything they like or dislike from friends, food, places, etc.

My friend, David Sentanu has just opened a new blog using Blogger. Before David, Markus Hardiyanto has also made a blog space in his website, where he can write his journey while he is in Netherland. It's quite nice to have a friend who has a blog, since you will had new site to visit everyday (if they update their blog regularly). I usually add their blog into mine and hoping that the list will become longer and longer, as my friend's link being added. If any of you who has a blog and want to be linked from my blog, please feel free to contact me

Who's Next??


  1. Thank you... thank you...

    Iya iya, ini baru mulai kok. Pdhl dulu dah pernah bikin blog sendiri pas masih jamannya, tp susah karena gak pake aplikasi blog. Masih djadoel sih...

    Eh, itu nambah link di pinggir harus manual ya? Edit HTML-nya?

  2. Iya, harus manual dan edit bagian templatenya. Nanti di bagian bawah (biasanya) ada bagian yang bisa kamu edit.

  3. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Kenapa kalian gak bikin blog pakai Wordpress aja? lebih enak :) gak ada iklan dan plugin nya banyak.

  4. Kalo ada hosting sendiri sih enak. Kita cuma numpang je. Sebenere bisa sih pake Informatix, tp kalo tiba2 ditutup khan gak lucu. Hilang semua. Jadi ya enakan di Blogger aja dech :)

    Masalah plugin gak perlu banyak2 kok, yang penting kita bisa nulis, orang bisa lihat dan kasih komentar. Itu udah cukup buat aku :)

  5. Sssssttt... Markus kan maksudnya mau promosi hosting-nya dia... :p
