Monday, September 13, 2004

Simon Tatham : The great man

For Windows user who need some connections to their UNIX or GNU/Linux's server, they will notice that Putty was the right tool to help them (just as i do in my university, where the server was using BSD-family). I need Putty just as many people do and it worked well. It was small in size and provide many facility such as SSH support so your identity and password won't be sent in plain text format, but in the encrypted format. Putty is a small tool to provide connection to UNIX or GNU/Linux server. It was made by Simon Tatham.

He is a great man. If you see his website, you will notice that he has done so much work on many development project, such as Putty, Halibut, DoIt, WinURL, Enigma, and patch utility. He also writes down some algorithms, mathematical applications, articles, and essays. You should visit his websites and check it out. It was a great materials. He also provide the real source code in it so you can try it at home and expanding it to fulfill your need.

People rarely knows him, but people recognize Putty. This is ironic. This is what happen in many places. People are simbolized in his/her products not as he/she is. Another good example is Linus Torvalds who invented Linux kernel in 1991. Many people who started using GNU/Linux don't know Linus, but they know about GNU/Linux as one full package with applications, instead of the Linux kernel itself.

Great job!!
Keep it up

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