Saturday, December 15, 2007

New Version Control Application

A new version control application has been released by Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu development. Unlike CVS or SVN which use centralized repository, Bazzar (the new application name from Canonical) use a distributed repository (perhaps like in GIT). Any web server that includes a FTP server can be a Bazzar server, interesting huh?

So what's the requirements? Only Python is required. Curious? Grab them at Bazzar's website

Related article: Linux-Watch


  1. lo Wil, bazaar bukannya udah lama ada? Apa ini maksudnya Canonical baru saja merilis layanan bazaar?

    Any distributed VCS tampak menarik bagiku .. tapi blm pernah serius nyoba :p

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Bzr udah ada lumayan lama. Ini distributed VCS, jadi sebenarnya tidak perlu server.

  3. Menurut artikelnya sih baru
    gak tahu juga sih
