All about my activities, thoughts, inspiration, ideas, and everything that happened around me
Sunday, April 30, 2006
A Little Step Ahead
Finally i made it to the next level of The Settler - Herritage of Kings. I wasn't able to finish this stage before, since i was attacking the wrong person. The castle was like impossible to defeat, since the army was coming out all the way and it never stopped, so i left it for several days. Today i took another approach and it worked. I managed to defeat the last castle without having to fight the invinsible castle. Nice....
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Recompile Again
Today i recompiled another kernel release, kernel, the latest one for now (it may have changed because the -stable team are very fast on their work so new releases can be out in just a matter of few hours, not like the main Linus development tree which usually release another version after 2-3 weeks of big testings). I also upgrade my system to the latest -current development in Slackware. The compilation process doesn't take that long, since i left it to reread Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, the author of The Da Vinci Code, a novel which was controversial and debatted by many people around the world. I also made a phone call with my girlfriend, so it didn't make me bored of waiting for the compilation process. After making some slightly changes in lilo.conf, i reboot my system and start testing the new kernel and it worked great. No problems arose after the kernel upgrade, but still my KDM won't work if i directly boot to graphical mode. I had to boot to text mode first and then execute startx to start graphical mode. Kindda sloppy but it worked for me. Let's just leave it like that for now.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thank You All
I want to say big thanks to all of my friends who has send me an email, sms, YM, or even messages through Friendster regarding my birthday that should be today. I also want to thank my colleagues in QnAp Asia who has celebrated my birthday in the office with a nice cake. This is my first birthday without my girlfriend in the last five year, because usually i always had her in my side when i had my birthday and vise versa (actually, one of the main reason why i came back to Jogja was to celebrate her birthday besides extending my identity card). Last word... Thank you Alll......
Thank You All
I want to say big thanks to all of my friends who has send me an email, sms, YM, or even messages through Friendster regarding my birthday that should be today. I also want to thank my colleagues in QnAp Asia who has celebrated my birthday in the office with a nice cake. This is my first birthday without my girlfriend in the last five year, because usually i always had her in my side when i had my birthday and vise versa (actually, one of the main reason why i came back to Jogja was to celebrate her birthday besides extending my identity card). Last word... Thank you Alll......
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Updating PO Files
I have finished updating PO files in CVS server for ooo-id project. It's been updated based on the latest POT files, POT 164. For translator, please update your local repository first before you make any changes to your local files and commit it to the CVS Server in order to prevent conflict during merging the difference.
Happy translating...
Happy translating...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Back To Jakarta
Finally i came back to Jakarta after (another) flight delay for about 60 minutes. Jogja's airport has been extended and it has bigger waiting room (and a nice chair also). It's much nicer, since it has become an international airport, but most of the facility wasn't renewed at all to reflect the new status. I hope they will keep upgrading their facility.
I was flying in a bad weather, so there was so many bumps while i was in the air. The cloud was so dark so that i couldn't see the town clearly from the plane. Luckily it rained after i have landed, so i didn't get wet (i already sat on the airport bus). Arrived home and go to sleep :D
I was flying in a bad weather, so there was so many bumps while i was in the air. The cloud was so dark so that i couldn't see the town clearly from the plane. Luckily it rained after i have landed, so i didn't get wet (i already sat on the airport bus). Arrived home and go to sleep :D
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Big Changes
There will be a big changes in the next Slackware (11). I can see it from the latest changelog that has been published by Patrick Volkerding yesterday. The first thing is that it will use kernel 2.6.16.x as the base kernel for next Slackware. Next, it will use udev rather than hotplug on a machine which uses kernel 2.6.x and HAL installed. New udev has also been introduced, even though it's not the latest one (Pat prefer stable version than bleeding-edge version and risk the stability that he maintained very well up to now). Here are the full list of the latest changelog :
Mon Apr 24 14:29:50 CDT 2006
a/hotplug-2004_09_23-noarch-6.tgz: Patched rc.hotplug.
On 2.4 kernels use /sbin/hotplug for hotpluging, but on 2.6 kernels use
/sbin/udevsend (if udev is being used) instead. This should work better
on systems using 2.6 kernels with udev and HAL. Among the people pushing
for this change for a while: Jon Grosshart, Piter Punk, and Eugene Crosser.
Blacklisted hw_random after reports that it causes some systems to crash.
Note that rc.hotplug is now installed as, but upgradepkg
will still replace it for one more package iteration. This will cause
hotplug to be made executable on machines where it currently is not, so
be aware of that.
a/slocate-3.1-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to slocate-3.1.
This uses a new database format, so you'll have to wait for the cron job or
run "updatedb -c /etc/updatedb.conf" as root. Thanks to Piotr Simon and
Erik Jan Tromp for pointing out that the docs for the previous package were
installed with incorrect permissions.
a/udev-071-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to udev-071.
Set ttyUSB devices to mode 660 so that users in group tty can use them.
Get rid of the 10-udev.hotplug -> /sbin/udevsend symlink in
/etc/hotplug.d/default. This fixes a race condition with using the hotplug
event handling system now enabled by default in the latest udev.rules.
Another nice effect of this is that udevd no longer runs needlessly on 2.4
systems. WARNING: any existing udev.rules file will be overwritten, so save
your old file if you have custom rules you'd like to merge in).
Based on ideas suggested by Eugene Crosser, Piter Punk, and myself.
In /etc/udev/scripts/ and, use
${udev_root} instead of hardcoding /dev. Thanks to Andreas Schnaiter.
In /etc/udev/scripts/, fixed a bug that caused a bad
cdrom -> pktcdvd/control symlink to be created if the pktcdvd driver was
loaded prior to running the script.
Thanks to Kenneth Pettersen for the bug report and fix, and to Giovanni
Quadriglio who also reported the issue.
Finally, thanks to Piter Punk for his continued exploration of udev's
bleeding edge. What's going on there is quite interesting, but there are
still some issues that have led me to decide it's best to take small steps
in that direction. For example, it was nice to be able to populate /dev
before checking the partitions and mounting them read-write, and it seems
that won't be possible any longer. I've had other reports of hardware that
wasn't hotplugged correctly, too (and ran into some myself). Mostly it
seems to be a question of figuring out the proper place in the boot process
to put udev, but there are also a lot of things we're left to figure out
concerning the udev rules. We'll get there, but maybe not in the next
release. This upgrade to udev-071 meets the minimum requirement in the Documentation/Changes file, and has been heavily tested here and
found to work well. udev-090 boot the machine faster, but isn't as
reliable (at least in testing here, with how it's called from our init
scripts), and I've never been in favor of trading reliability for speed.
ap/alsa-utils-1.0.11-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to alsa-utils-1.0.11.
ap/mysql-5.0.20a-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to mysql-5.0.20a.
d/guile-1.8.0-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to guile-1.8.0.
I don't think anything in Slackware depends on guile any more, and that the
only thing that ever did was a solitaire game in GNOME. Since the GNOME
distributions for Slackware are already including their own guile packages,
I'm considering this package for removal. How generally useful is it?
Perhaps something like Ruby in the D series instead would be more useful.
l/alsa-driver-1.0.11_2.4.32-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to alsa-driver-1.0.11,
compiled for Linux 2.4.32.
l/alsa-lib-1.0.11rc4-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to alsa-lib-1.0.11rc4.
The reason for 11rc4 rather than 11 is that there was a new subsystem added
(src/pcm_rate_linear.c) in 11rc5, that I suspect causes aRts to break on
at least one system using snd-via82xx and/or snd-ac97-codec -- aRts bails
with a message about a CPU overload. The exact chipset is:
VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
It would seem to me that rc4->rc5 was kind of a risky time in the release
cycle to introduce such a massive change to the codebase. In any case,
I think it's prudent to stick with alsa-lib-1.0.11rc4 as the default
alsa-lib version until this gets sorted out upstream.
l/alsa-oss-1.0.11-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to alsa-oss-1.0.11.
l/libungif-4.1.4-i486-2.tgz: Fixed* symlinks.
Thanks to Wim Speekenbrink.
xap/imagemagick-6.2.7_0-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to ImageMagick-6.2.7-0.
xap/mozilla-1.7.13-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to mozilla-1.7.13.
This upgrade fixes several possible security bugs.
For more information, see:
This release marks the end-of-life of the Mozilla 1.7.x series:
Mozilla Corporation is recommending that users upgrade to Firefox and
Thunderbird, but if you're a fan of the style of the Mozilla Suite, I'd
recommend SeaMonkey myself. There's a good chance that Mozilla will not
ship in the next Slackware release, and SeaMonkey will ship in its place.
I'd been wondering which way to go with that, but getting an official
EOL statement about the Mozilla Suite makes it seem like the switch to
SeaMonkey should happen sooner rather than later.
(* Security fix *)
extra/slacktrack/slacktrack-1.29-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to slacktrack-1.29-1.
testing/packages/alsa-lib-1.0.11-i486-1.tgz: Added alsa-lib-1.0.11. This is
primarily intended for people to verify the issue with VIA sound, look for
a similar issue with other chipsets as well (seems possible, since the issue
isn't in any VIA specific code in alsa-driver), and report any useful
information found to the upstream developers:
I reported the issue via (ha;) email, but not through the bug track system.
The developer I contacted couldn't reproduce the issue and didn't think it
had anything to do with the rate plugin additions. If other folks test
alsa-lib-1.0.11 and run into this, and have the time to jump through the
hoops needed to report the bug at the URL above, I'd appreciate the help.
At least it would demonstrate that it's not just my machine...
Upgraded to alsa-driver-1.0.11 compiled for Linux
Upgraded to Linux generic kernel.
Upgraded to Linux kernel headers.
Upgraded to Linux kernel modules.
Upgraded to Linux kernel source.
BTW, I think 2.6.16.x, being the first kernel series in the 2.6 series that
has been promised some long-lived support, will be the 2.6 kernel you'll see
in the next Slackware release. If/when 2.6.17 (or 18, etc.) come out, don't
expect to see me chasing after it immediately. I'm looking for a kernel
that can be counted on for stability -- not the bleeding edge. Of course,
once 2.6.16.x is considered tested enough to leave /testing (and it does
seem close), perhaps a newer kernel might take its place here just for fun.
Oh and yes -- I did see that is out, and I know that the test26.s
kernel wasn't yet updated. Due to the Mozilla situation, I can't delay this
update to be a $SUCKER some more, but you'll see soon. That is,
if there isn't a newer one first...
Monday, April 24, 2006
RSS Feedreader 3.0
After a long development time, finally RSS Feedreader 3.0 is out and available for public consumption. It has some radical improvements and here are those :
Improved user interface
* Radically simplified user interface
* One-click access for different view modes
* Popular "River Of News" view
* Grouping headlines by source, date or tag
* Possibility to add and remove columns from view
Powerful filtering and smartfeed engine
* Ultimate configurability, every normal feed can be converted to smartfeed and vice versa
* Possibility to combine multiple feeds to one feed
Perfomance improvements
* Speedier handling of large number of feeds
* Faster startup and shutdown times
* Smart feed updates - unique algorithm that learns the update frequency of feeds and triggers the updates only when needed
* Enclosures and podcasting support
* Tagging support
* Nested folder support
* Full Unicode support
* Secure (SSL) connection support
* Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Bad Services
Today i went to Plaza Ambarukmo, the new mall in Jogja with my mother and my girlfriend and we ate in Hayam Wuruk. We ordered some three kind of food for each of us, but it only came two so i asked the waiter to ask for the last food, because i have ate mine by half and so does my mother. For some time it has no progress, so i asked for another waiter and that happened for 3 times, and finally the supervisor asked what was missing for the order and he asked the waiter to cook it for us. What a strange services, since peoples which came after us had got their orders and i already had half of my food (i ate slowly since i'm not very well and it's quite hot) and my girlfriend's order hasn't come yet. I hope they fix for the future.
The mall itself was great, but not all shops has opened. Most of them were still in renovations, but the place itself were huge and it's kindda the same with the mall in Jakarta (well, it can't compared directly, since Jakarta surely win over Jogja), but at least it's nice.
The mall itself was great, but not all shops has opened. Most of them were still in renovations, but the place itself were huge and it's kindda the same with the mall in Jakarta (well, it can't compared directly, since Jakarta surely win over Jogja), but at least it's nice.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Strange Flight
Today i got a strange flight. It started when i used the airport bus. Usually there were two people, the driver and the other people who would charge the passengers, but today it was only the driver, so before we got at the airport, the bus stopped and the driver charged the passenger. That's the first one.
The second one, i tried to buy Vitacimin because i was kindda ill and i want to prevent to be knocked out at the airport by consuming vitacimin, so i tried to bought it at the airport, but i forgot to ask the price first, so when i paid, i was suprised that the price was Rp.5000 for 1 strip (WHAT THE H*C*?? i usually bought it for Rp.875 in a mini market near my office). If i'm not sick, i wouldn't buy it for that price).
The third one was the delay of the flight itself. One of the officer announced that the flight will be delayed for 90 minutes (which was actually 100 minutes) since the plane from Surabaya hadn't arrived yet. Most of the people were complaining, but they couldn't do anything. I was wondering, why couldn't they use another plane? since i saw some unused plane was in the airport (the same airways). Luckily they provided some snacks and drinks because it was lunch time (my flight should be at 11.15 AM).
Because of this delay, i couldn't go to my friends graduatin party that should be celebrated at that day. I'm sorry guys, i really want to go to the graduation, but there was an unexpected situation and there is nothing i can do to solve it just to wait. When i got home, i go straight to bed because i'm not well today.
The second one, i tried to buy Vitacimin because i was kindda ill and i want to prevent to be knocked out at the airport by consuming vitacimin, so i tried to bought it at the airport, but i forgot to ask the price first, so when i paid, i was suprised that the price was Rp.5000 for 1 strip (WHAT THE H*C*?? i usually bought it for Rp.875 in a mini market near my office). If i'm not sick, i wouldn't buy it for that price).
The third one was the delay of the flight itself. One of the officer announced that the flight will be delayed for 90 minutes (which was actually 100 minutes) since the plane from Surabaya hadn't arrived yet. Most of the people were complaining, but they couldn't do anything. I was wondering, why couldn't they use another plane? since i saw some unused plane was in the airport (the same airways). Luckily they provided some snacks and drinks because it was lunch time (my flight should be at 11.15 AM).
Because of this delay, i couldn't go to my friends graduatin party that should be celebrated at that day. I'm sorry guys, i really want to go to the graduation, but there was an unexpected situation and there is nothing i can do to solve it just to wait. When i got home, i go straight to bed because i'm not well today.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Last Day Before Day Off
Today is my last day in Jakarta before i will take three days off, since tomorrow i will go to Jogja and have a relax three days with my family and my girlfriend. I will have opportunity to visit Plaza Ambarukmo, the newest mall in my city. I think it's the best mall for now on and for the next five years, but who knows? Jogja's development is very fast and many investor are interested in investing their money in Jogja.
Today i also finished my PSP training with Ruud Mulder. It was a nice training and we gain a lot of knowledge that we can use in future projects and for ourselves. Basically it can be used for daily life, but for this training, it's focused on the software development. He will leave to Holland tommorrow and tonight there will be a farewell party for him. Let's hope us have a nice trip tommorrow even though we have different destination (^o^).
Today i also finished my PSP training with Ruud Mulder. It was a nice training and we gain a lot of knowledge that we can use in future projects and for ourselves. Basically it can be used for daily life, but for this training, it's focused on the software development. He will leave to Holland tommorrow and tonight there will be a farewell party for him. Let's hope us have a nice trip tommorrow even though we have different destination (^o^).
Thursday, April 20, 2006
CVS Sync Delay
In the last few weeks i'm quite confused about CVS in Sourceforge, since it didn't display the changes made by the our developers in their web interface. I send a support request and in a few minutes, i got an answer for it and the admin said that the sync delay between the CVS for developer and anonymous were disabled for now. Here are the replies :
When i checked the CVS by using log, history and diff commands, i saw that the version is correct and all changes are committed to the CVS server correctly. So for now, we should rely on the command to view if there are changes made to the CVS Server. I'm hoping that they will fix it as soon as possible.
Per the notice on the site status page, the CVS sync between
developer and anonymous CVS hosts is currently disabled. This is
due to some potential data corruption issues on the developer CVS
host. We are trying to keep the data sources separate for now, to
ensure the highest levels of data integrity (we have multiple
possible sources of good data to fix the corruption from,
including the anonymous CVS hosts, nightly tarballs, tape backups
and user's own working copies).
Please keep an eye on the site status page for further updates to
this issue:
Thank you, Support
When i checked the CVS by using log, history and diff commands, i saw that the version is correct and all changes are committed to the CVS server correctly. So for now, we should rely on the command to view if there are changes made to the CVS Server. I'm hoping that they will fix it as soon as possible.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Unmanaged website
Today i tried to look at the latest snapshot of PHP in their official website, but i got some ugly error messages like : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/snapshots/index.php on line 226 and Notice: Undefined index: w32_st in /home/snapshots/index.php on line 324 please consult /dev/urandom. I also see some broken link in General Info box (btw, is not some, but all of them are broken). Well, i don't think this error messages shouldn't be there, as most developer or people who would like to know the latest Changelog couldn't get the file as requested. I'm just hoping web master in PHP sees this blog and they could fix this problems.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Mozilla Firefox Released
Mozilla Firefox has been updated to I first noticed this update when i was in my aunt's house and using my cousin's computer. It displayed a message saying that a newer version of Firefox is available and it has downloaded all the updated components and wishesh to restart Firefox in order to apply the patch.
Next, when i'm back in the office, i quickly load the Mozilla's website in order to get the release note of this new version and here they are :
# Universal Binary support for Mac OS X which provides native support for Macintosh with Intel Core processors. Firefox supports the enhancements to performance introduced by the new MacIntel chipsets.
# Improvements to product stability.
Spoofing with translucent windows
# MFSA 2006-28 Security check of js_ValueToFunctionObject() can be circumvented
# MFSA 2006-25 Privilege escalation through Print Preview
# MFSA 2006-24 Privilege escalation using crypto.generateCRMFRequest
# MFSA 2006-23 File stealing by changing input type
# MFSA 2006-22 CSS Letter-Spacing Heap Overflow Vulnerability
# MFSA 2006-20 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
If you prefer more detailed changelog, please visit Burning Edge.
If you have used Mozilla Firefox 1.5.x and above, you don't have to download whole packages again, since it has include a nice automatic updates which can be used to download the latest version but only the changed components. It's like rsync.
Next, when i'm back in the office, i quickly load the Mozilla's website in order to get the release note of this new version and here they are :
# Universal Binary support for Mac OS X which provides native support for Macintosh with Intel Core processors. Firefox supports the enhancements to performance introduced by the new MacIntel chipsets.
# Improvements to product stability.
Spoofing with translucent windows
# MFSA 2006-28 Security check of js_ValueToFunctionObject() can be circumvented
# MFSA 2006-25 Privilege escalation through Print Preview
# MFSA 2006-24 Privilege escalation using crypto.generateCRMFRequest
# MFSA 2006-23 File stealing by changing input type
# MFSA 2006-22 CSS Letter-Spacing Heap Overflow Vulnerability
# MFSA 2006-20 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
If you prefer more detailed changelog, please visit Burning Edge.
If you have used Mozilla Firefox 1.5.x and above, you don't have to download whole packages again, since it has include a nice automatic updates which can be used to download the latest version but only the changed components. It's like rsync.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Start Training PSP
Today i started the PSP training which should be held in Jogja, but since it was canceled, the training was held in our office in Jakarta. It will be 5 days training and while in training, i may not answer your message in Yahoo Messenger if you send me a message.
In saturday, i will leave to Jogja for about 5 days and i will be back working at Jakarta at Thursday. I will keep in touch and checks my email at home and i'll make myself busy by upgrading my desktop system into the latest packages.
In saturday, i will leave to Jogja for about 5 days and i will be back working at Jakarta at Thursday. I will keep in touch and checks my email at home and i'll make myself busy by upgrading my desktop system into the latest packages.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Adding New Tutorial
I have added new tutorial on my website about Installing PHP From Source. I hope that this article will help many people which is trying to install PHP from source. It can be used to solve many problem that occurred if you try to connect to MySQL 4.1 above, since the default MySQL Client Library which comes in PHP couldn't be used again, since MySQL 4.1+ uses different password hashing which makes it secure. One way to solve it by upgrading the MySQL client library or compile PHP from source and point to the MySQL installation and it will use the MySQL Client Library that is being bundled with MySQL itself.
Comments about this tutorial can be submitted in the page itself or via my email.
Comments about this tutorial can be submitted in the page itself or via my email.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Go To Next Level
I have been frustated by a game called The Settler - Heritage of Kings in the last two days, since i haven't been able to finish one of the level in the game. I have tried to restart the level for several times but still i'm stuck on defeating the main troops, since it has a good defense system with ballista tower. They also had so many troops, while i'm lack of resources to build an army troops.
Today i tried to start again from the beginning and finally i'm able to defeat the main enemy keep by using some cannons (iron and siege cannon). Usually i never upgrade my foundry to the latest technology, but i think this is required to defeat the main keep, since it was surrounded by ballista tower, so i need some great cannon with greater damage and further range. I also found another way to get more resources in this level, by buying some estates owned by the leader of Kaloix and paying tributes to the bandits so they won't attack me while i'm gaining resources. This way, i can upgrade my technology to the latest one and build some great cannons to destroy the enemy's ballista towers. Yipeeee.....
Today i tried to start again from the beginning and finally i'm able to defeat the main enemy keep by using some cannons (iron and siege cannon). Usually i never upgrade my foundry to the latest technology, but i think this is required to defeat the main keep, since it was surrounded by ballista tower, so i need some great cannon with greater damage and further range. I also found another way to get more resources in this level, by buying some estates owned by the leader of Kaloix and paying tributes to the bandits so they won't attack me while i'm gaining resources. This way, i can upgrade my technology to the latest one and build some great cannons to destroy the enemy's ballista towers. Yipeeee.....
Friday, April 14, 2006
Upgrading to PHP5
Today i tried to upgrade my PHP into the latest version, PHP 5.1.2. I had some trouble putting the extension since the default location was different from PHP 4. In PHP 4, i just put it in C:\Windows\System32 and it worked just fine, but in PHP 5, i had to put it in C:\PHP, the same directory where PHP resides. I had tried to modify the extension_dirs in php.ini but it won't work, until i finally i found the correct location. Some extensions that were built in on PHP 4 are no longer existed in PHP 5 as built in, but it came as extensions, such as MySQL. Some new extensions also been introduced in PHP5, such as SimpleXML and MySQLi. I had to edit php.ini file and put the extension file (php_mysql.dll, php_mysqli.dll, php_mbstring.dll, php_gd2.dll and libmysql.dll) in the directory which the extension should reside. Thanks to INSTALL.txt which comes in PHP5, i could make the extension i needed worked again.
One thing i like in PHP5 is that it is getting more strict. I have to use isset to make sure that i have declared a variable or to check whether query string existed. I had to change some code in my website to make sure it conforms the PHP5, but it is not a big deal for me, since it would make my code works in both version of PHP. One big problem that i had experienced was installing the PHPMyAdmin, since it requires MySQL extension and in the first, i don't know where should i put the dll files. But now it has been solved and it worked just fine. My JpGraph is already working too. The last thing that i should check is smarty, which i haven't checked yet, since i never use it for my apps. I'd rather use CSS to style my website.
I haven't upgrade my PHP on my Slackware system, since it would require more efforts, since i had to find the correct parameter in order to make sure that all i need will be installed on the system, so for now, i'll stick to PHP4 for my Slackware system. I don't use the OOP functionality on my website either, so PHP4 is enough for me.
One thing i like in PHP5 is that it is getting more strict. I have to use isset to make sure that i have declared a variable or to check whether query string existed. I had to change some code in my website to make sure it conforms the PHP5, but it is not a big deal for me, since it would make my code works in both version of PHP. One big problem that i had experienced was installing the PHPMyAdmin, since it requires MySQL extension and in the first, i don't know where should i put the dll files. But now it has been solved and it worked just fine. My JpGraph is already working too. The last thing that i should check is smarty, which i haven't checked yet, since i never use it for my apps. I'd rather use CSS to style my website.
I haven't upgrade my PHP on my Slackware system, since it would require more efforts, since i had to find the correct parameter in order to make sure that all i need will be installed on the system, so for now, i'll stick to PHP4 for my Slackware system. I don't use the OOP functionality on my website either, so PHP4 is enough for me.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Small and Fast Updates
Just a few days ago i downloaded the kernel and today i saw there is a new kernel version,, which is 3 version beyond the current version that was applied in my system. But when i saw the changelog, it only consist of small updates (1 up to 2 patches), so i'm not going to upgrade to those kernel (i think it's not worthed, since some of them are not related to my system and i'm not affected for now. Most of them are patches for X86_64 platform). I know i like bleeding-edge packages, but if i compared to the time needed to compile the new kernel and the patches i got, i think is not worthed at all.
Well, i always see the changelog in to see whether new kernel is available and see if i need the upgrade or not.
Well, i always see the changelog in to see whether new kernel is available and see if i need the upgrade or not.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
New Kernel Landed

Yesterday i downloaded the latest stable kernel available, kernel and some other packages (Liferea, Opera, xCHM, NVidia Driver, and Gaim 2.0 Beta 3). I tried to update my system to the latest packages available, so i downloaded those packages. My biggest concern was about the new NVidia driver, because the previous version (1.0-8178) was having some problems with kernel 2.6.16+, so we have to apply some patches that was available from NVNews Forum. The patches are working and i have tried that on my own system. It's more than four months since the release of the last NVidia driver, so this release is worthed to look and analyse as it said that it has fixed some problem with kernel 2.6.x.
At first i boot into my system and try to update the small packages first while extracting the kernel source into /usr/src and update the symlink (/usr/src/linux pointing to /usr/src/linux- and /usr/include/asm-generic pointing to /usr/src/linux- After updating my other packages, i started compiling the kernel image and also the modules as usuall. When it finished, i start copying to /boot partition and make some additional changes by updating the symlink of, config, and also vmlinuz. Next, i edit my lilo.conf to reflect the changes in /boot and finally executing /sbin/lilo -v to make the changes in lilo.conf becomes permanent. Then i execute reboot command to reboot the system and boot to new kernel.
I use some parameter to boot into text mode. This is needed when you want to install NVidia driver, since it requires no XServer are running. So far so good. The kernel boots up perfectly and i ran ldconfig to update my library's cache. After that, i tried to install the new NVidia driver and it went smoothly, without errors. I tried the installation by executing startx to test it and it worked great. Next, i reboot my system and this time i boot the new kernel without any parameter to automatically load the graphical environment (i'm using KDE 3.5.2, the latest version for now). Yes, it loads without any problem and here are the screenshot of my new kernel with the result of glxgears, some utility to test your FPS (Frame Per Second) in your system (i know some people in LinuxQuestion mention about GLOBS to benchmark the VGA card, but i haven't download it yet, so glxgear is enough for me, as i don't need high output as long as 3D features are enabled that's enough for me). You may notice that the result was slower in my system, that's natural, since these screenshot was taken from my laptop, not my desktop, so the VGA card capability will not as powerfull as desktop (i'm using NVidia GeForce Go 6200 with 128 MB).
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
CSS Tweak
There is a new online web-based CSS Tweaker which can be used to tweak your CSS files. All you have to do is upload or paste your CSS files into the form provided, and choose some options that are available on the site and press the Tweak >> button and it will be tweaked based on the options you have selected. It will then inform to you what is the percentage of the tweaking process when it's done and you can download your new tweaked CSS file.
In this version (0.4), there isn't so much options yet, but still it is a great apps that can be used to make a cleaner CSS file. I recommend that you choose Leave My Layout Alone! option, or you will have all your CSS file in 1 line (because the removal of the White Spaces). I have checked all of my CSS files that were used to build my home page and there were only 1 changes made (the rest were the removal of the comments). Nice one....
In this version (0.4), there isn't so much options yet, but still it is a great apps that can be used to make a cleaner CSS file. I recommend that you choose Leave My Layout Alone! option, or you will have all your CSS file in 1 line (because the removal of the White Spaces). I have checked all of my CSS files that were used to build my home page and there were only 1 changes made (the rest were the removal of the comments). Nice one....
Monday, April 10, 2006
And The Party Continues
What i mean by party here is Manchester United's party. They have beaten Arsenal 2-0 in Old Trafford last night by a gol from Wayne Rooney and Park Ji Sung in the second half. What makes me confused is that Arsenal was saving some of their star, like Henry and Ljunberg. They were played in minute 70 replacing Van Persie and Hleb. But, it didn't matter again, since Manchester United has won the big match and i think people in MU Cafe and Planet Hollywood would agree with my opinion (as long as they are big fans of MU).
But before that, Chelsea had a big won 4-1, which means the gap remains still. They had 7 point above Manchester United, but they will lose some player, since one of their player got a red card in that game (i didn't watch the game, since i was playing a game which has just been installed in my laptop). I hope that MU can make this party continues to the next matches while hoping Chelsea to get some obstacles in their last 5 matches.
But before that, Chelsea had a big won 4-1, which means the gap remains still. They had 7 point above Manchester United, but they will lose some player, since one of their player got a red card in that game (i didn't watch the game, since i was playing a game which has just been installed in my laptop). I hope that MU can make this party continues to the next matches while hoping Chelsea to get some obstacles in their last 5 matches.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Waiting For Another Big Match
Today there will be another big match between Manchester United and Arsenal in EPL (English Premiere League). They will face head to head in Old Trafford and i can predict that this match will be extremely interesting, since both side was in their best performance based on their last three matches. Arsenal had beaten Juventus to slip through the semifinal in the Champions league and fighting to chase Tottenham for next season's Champion league tickets, while MU had their run and closes the gap to Chelsea to 7 points and maintain their position over Liverpool.
In their previous matches, there were always red card shown by the refree, since there was always dangerous tackle, mouth debate between players (and managers), etc. That's why it's called big match. The same title is given for some derby matches and also for Liverpool and Chelsea. The match will be broadcasted live in TV7 at 10 PM and also there will be some event on MU Cafe and Planet Hollywood (in Jakarta). Nice match for some advertising.
In their previous matches, there were always red card shown by the refree, since there was always dangerous tackle, mouth debate between players (and managers), etc. That's why it's called big match. The same title is given for some derby matches and also for Liverpool and Chelsea. The match will be broadcasted live in TV7 at 10 PM and also there will be some event on MU Cafe and Planet Hollywood (in Jakarta). Nice match for some advertising.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
New Udev Causing Trouble

Today i have upgraded my Slackware system using the latest -current packages (including the shinny KDE 3.5.2). Everything goes smooth, until i decided to try to upgrade my udev packages using the latest udev packages from Piter Punk and also the current packages for module-init-tools from Pat (i usually use Piter Punk's packages). I followed his instruction but when i rebooted my system, the udev process had never stopped and it won't mount the filesystem (usually, swap and filsystems are mounted after DHCP process in my system). It just displaying message 2 process running all the time. I know that something bad has happened, so i tried to revert it using the working packages and thank God it worked again.
It seems that the new udev is causing this problem, so for now, i'll stick with the previous version (0.88). I'll send a message to Piter Punk about this and hopefully he can give a solution about this. I'm not an udev fans (but i do like if i use newer version for all of my packages, since mostly you got a better packages. Udev is an exception, since most new version causes trouble and need some tweaking in some places), so i'm quite happy with the version that i used right now, since it was quite faster than hotplug (mostly when you disabled ldconfig and remove unneeded services as well) and the most important, it worked. I don't want to mess my system with newer packages which will broke all of my system.
One thing i like in this new KDE release is that Pat has included Amarok as an official multimedia package for Slackware (and also the dependency packages, libtunepimp and libmusicbrainz). In the previous version, it wasn't included, so i had to use packages from LinuxPackages. The package got broken when i upgraded to KDE 3.5.1 (perhaps it depends on older library). It always crashes when it played the next song or when i press the skip button. I was waiting for the next 1.4 version, but it was still in Beta version, so i switched to JuK as my primary audio player replacing XMMS and AmaroK. But since Pat include the new version of AmaroK (1.3.9), i tried to upgraded my AmaroK and the bug was never been found again, so i switched back to AmaroK (i still like JuK and XMMS). That's a good news for me, since now i have three options to listen to MP3 or OGG files using three great applications, XMMS, AmaroK, and JuK. I believe there are other player, but this three are my favorites.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Work Again
Finally, after almost two weeks of sleeping and resting in the bed, i go to work again today and i started to work on the new system which was more advanced and have been made by my colleagues while i was in bed. I had to catch up with it and since my colleagues were fixing some bugs and remarks from today's review, i got a chance to modify the system by myself and finally it worked like we wanted.
Today the Internet was so bad, mostly for sites that were hosted outside Indonesian and not in the IIX links. Luckily there is one Slackware mirror that i know and it was quite up to date, so i download all slackware-current updates, including KDE 3.5.2 and it was finished (i use limited connection so it took almost all day to finish it). It's time to upgrade my system to the new KDE. I wanted to upgrade to kernel also, but since it would take me a lot of efforts, i postpone it until the next release. I also had to upgrade my WxGTK packages by compiling it from source, like i always did in the past. I also need some rest, since i'm not fully recovered yet (at least for another two weeks).
Today the Internet was so bad, mostly for sites that were hosted outside Indonesian and not in the IIX links. Luckily there is one Slackware mirror that i know and it was quite up to date, so i download all slackware-current updates, including KDE 3.5.2 and it was finished (i use limited connection so it took almost all day to finish it). It's time to upgrade my system to the new KDE. I wanted to upgrade to kernel also, but since it would take me a lot of efforts, i postpone it until the next release. I also had to upgrade my WxGTK packages by compiling it from source, like i always did in the past. I also need some rest, since i'm not fully recovered yet (at least for another two weeks).
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
No Trip To Jogja
The workshop has been cancelled and there will be no trip to Jogja at 8 of April until 26 of April. The PSP training will be held at Jakarta instead in Jogja. I will take my day off at 22 to celebrate my girlfriend's birthday which will be in 25 of April. The news was so sudden, but nevermind. What's done is done. We should see the future, not the past. I believe there are some of my colleagues which also as dissapointed as i do, but nothing we can do besides accepting it. I feel so bad about this, since i was pointed as the contact person and nothing i can do about this at all. It has been decided when i'm off the office.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
KDE 3.5.2 Is Out For Slackware
Hey, have you check out Slackware-current's latest changelog? KDE 3.5.2 are there and available to be downloaded. Too bad i'm not in the office, so i cannot download it and upgrade my Slackware. It consist of new Python packages also which works with DB 4.4.x. and also some upgrades for Multimedia packages, since new Amarok packages has been shipped also, although it's not the latest one, but i hope it will fix some problem i encountered in 1.3.8 with KDE 3.5.1.
The last line is surprising. Pat decided to remove Abiword from Slackware's packages, since newer version couldn't be compiled without GNOME (and Slackware doesn't support GNOME since 10.2). So... good bye Abiword.
Here are the latest changelog :
Mon Apr 3 21:18:03 CDT 2006
a/findutils-4.2.27-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to findutils-4.2.27.
d/python-2.4.3-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.3.
This now links with Berkeley DB 4.4.x. :-)
d/python-demo-2.4.3-noarch-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.3 demos.
d/python-tools-2.4.3-noarch-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.3 tools.
kde/amarok-1.3.9-i486-1.tgz: Added amaroK 1.3.9, a media player for KDE.
kde/kdeaccessibility-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeaccessibility-3.5.2.
kde/kdeaddons-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeaddons-3.5.2.
kde/kdeadmin-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeadmin-3.5.2.
kde/kdeartwork-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeartwork-3.5.2.
kde/kdebase-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdebase-3.5.2.
kde/kdebindings-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdebindings-3.5.2.
kde/kdeedu-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeedu-3.5.2.
kde/kdegames-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdegames-3.5.2.
kde/kdegraphics-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdegraphics-3.5.2.
kde/kdelibs-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdelibs-3.5.2.
kde/kdemultimedia-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdemultimedia-3.5.2.
kde/kdenetwork-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdenetwork-3.5.2.
kde/kdepim-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdepim-3.5.2.
kde/kdesdk-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdesdk-3.5.2.
kde/kdetoys-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdetoys-3.5.2.
kde/kdeutils-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeutils-3.5.2.
kde/kdevelop-3.3.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdevelop-3.3.2.
kde/kdewebdev-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdewebdev-3.5.2.
kde/qt-3.3.6-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to qt-x11-free-3.3.6.
kdei/kde-i18n-*-3.5.2-noarch-1.tgz: Upgraded to kde-i18n-3.5.2.
l/arts-1.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to arts-1.5.2.
l/libmusicbrainz-2.1.2-i486-1.tgz: Added libmusicbrainz-2.1.2, a library for
searching a user-maintained community music metadatabase. This is used
to tag media files by libtunepimp.
l/libtunepimp-0.4.2-i486-1.tgz: Added libtunepimp-0.4.2. This is a library
used to support adding metadata tags to music files using the MusicBrainz
client libraries. These libraries are used by several media players to look
up track information. (e.g. in Slackware, JuK and amaroK so far)
n/rp-pppoe-3.8-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to rp-pppoe-3.8.
xap/abiword-2.2.9-i486-1.tgz: Removed. More recent versions of AbiWord no
longer support compiling without GNOME, and it looks like all of the GNOME
distributions for Slackware are shipping GNOMEified (and newer) versions of
this package anyway.
The last line is surprising. Pat decided to remove Abiword from Slackware's packages, since newer version couldn't be compiled without GNOME (and Slackware doesn't support GNOME since 10.2). So... good bye Abiword.
Here are the latest changelog :
Mon Apr 3 21:18:03 CDT 2006
a/findutils-4.2.27-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to findutils-4.2.27.
d/python-2.4.3-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.3.
This now links with Berkeley DB 4.4.x. :-)
d/python-demo-2.4.3-noarch-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.3 demos.
d/python-tools-2.4.3-noarch-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.3 tools.
kde/amarok-1.3.9-i486-1.tgz: Added amaroK 1.3.9, a media player for KDE.
kde/kdeaccessibility-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeaccessibility-3.5.2.
kde/kdeaddons-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeaddons-3.5.2.
kde/kdeadmin-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeadmin-3.5.2.
kde/kdeartwork-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeartwork-3.5.2.
kde/kdebase-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdebase-3.5.2.
kde/kdebindings-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdebindings-3.5.2.
kde/kdeedu-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeedu-3.5.2.
kde/kdegames-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdegames-3.5.2.
kde/kdegraphics-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdegraphics-3.5.2.
kde/kdelibs-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdelibs-3.5.2.
kde/kdemultimedia-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdemultimedia-3.5.2.
kde/kdenetwork-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdenetwork-3.5.2.
kde/kdepim-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdepim-3.5.2.
kde/kdesdk-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdesdk-3.5.2.
kde/kdetoys-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdetoys-3.5.2.
kde/kdeutils-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdeutils-3.5.2.
kde/kdevelop-3.3.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdevelop-3.3.2.
kde/kdewebdev-3.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to kdewebdev-3.5.2.
kde/qt-3.3.6-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to qt-x11-free-3.3.6.
kdei/kde-i18n-*-3.5.2-noarch-1.tgz: Upgraded to kde-i18n-3.5.2.
l/arts-1.5.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to arts-1.5.2.
l/libmusicbrainz-2.1.2-i486-1.tgz: Added libmusicbrainz-2.1.2, a library for
searching a user-maintained community music metadatabase. This is used
to tag media files by libtunepimp.
l/libtunepimp-0.4.2-i486-1.tgz: Added libtunepimp-0.4.2. This is a library
used to support adding metadata tags to music files using the MusicBrainz
client libraries. These libraries are used by several media players to look
up track information. (e.g. in Slackware, JuK and amaroK so far)
n/rp-pppoe-3.8-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to rp-pppoe-3.8.
xap/abiword-2.2.9-i486-1.tgz: Removed. More recent versions of AbiWord no
longer support compiling without GNOME, and it looks like all of the GNOME
distributions for Slackware are shipping GNOMEified (and newer) versions of
this package anyway.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Another Week Off
I will be offline for about a week to have some recovery time before i go to Jogja next Saturday for about three weeks (holidays and also training about PSP), so please be patient if you asked me via emails. I have answered some of them, but not all. The Internet connection is here is also unpredictable. At one time, it can be fast, but at another time, it couldn't connect at all, so when i post this, it is in a good mood i think, so i'll have to finish this post quickly before it goes mad and be offline again :D
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