Friday, April 07, 2006

Work Again

Finally, after almost two weeks of sleeping and resting in the bed, i go to work again today and i started to work on the new system which was more advanced and have been made by my colleagues while i was in bed. I had to catch up with it and since my colleagues were fixing some bugs and remarks from today's review, i got a chance to modify the system by myself and finally it worked like we wanted.

Today the Internet was so bad, mostly for sites that were hosted outside Indonesian and not in the IIX links. Luckily there is one Slackware mirror that i know and it was quite up to date, so i download all slackware-current updates, including KDE 3.5.2 and it was finished (i use limited connection so it took almost all day to finish it). It's time to upgrade my system to the new KDE. I wanted to upgrade to kernel also, but since it would take me a lot of efforts, i postpone it until the next release. I also had to upgrade my WxGTK packages by compiling it from source, like i always did in the past. I also need some rest, since i'm not fully recovered yet (at least for another two weeks).


  1. he...he... mas, sekali-kali refreshing dulu. pergi jalan-jlan ama pacar, nonton, ato ngompile kernel :)). boleh juga KDE-nya, pengen DL tapi koneksinye kurang gress.

  2. aku juga downloadnya pas empot2an, tapi untungnya selesai :D
