Thursday, March 23, 2006

Finished March's Training

Today, i have finished my training for March, and there will be another training and workshop in April, which will be about PSP (Personal Software Process) as the follow up for the previous CMM workshop that was held almost a year ago. It will be held in UKDW (Duta Wacana Christian University - my college). I got a chance to visit my home first, since i will be in Jogja by 10 of April and there will be a seminar at 12 of April about the PSP materials. I should attend this seminar as one of the representative for both side (UKDW and QnAp). My friends will arrive at 14 / 15 of April and the workshop will start at 17 of April and ended in 22 of April 2006. They will go back to Jakarta at 22/23 of April, but i will take a 3 day off to celebrate my girlfriend's birthday at 25 of April. I will be back to Jakarta at 26 of April. I hope i can meet a lot of my old friend at Jogja. It's also my chance to have a look at the new mall, Ambarukmo and Safir mall, since i didn't have that chance in my last visit in last December.

It will be a great workshop, since it discuss about PSP which will be used by many software engineer, so if you are a programmer or software enginner, or somebody who loves to make a program or involved in IT-related bussiness, i suggest that you should take this workshop also. It provide you a good base to start developing a software and make yourself a lot better than before. See the advertisement on UKDW building.

See you all in April. I'm looking forward to see all of you guys....

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