Thursday, July 06, 2006

Google Earth in Linux

Today i have installed Google Earth on GNU/Linux platform and the result was not as good as in Windows platform. The images was messed up as you can see in the screenshot. One more problem is that there isn't any uninstall options for GNU/Linux. I have asked Google about this and waiting for their answer. But the installation was great and fast. It has a nice icon also (it's the same with Windows version). Let's wait for the final version of Google Earth in Linux. I hope they will fix this problem.


  1. The beta works just fine here on Slackware. I've created a Slackware package so it's easy to uninstall.

  2. Nice to hear that. I downloaded directly from Google Earth's page and it's messed up. I think it's because of the slow Internet connetion in Indonesia. But the strange thing is, it worked in Windows version.

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    as root:
    cd /usr/local/google-earth

  4. i have already find the solutions :D
    but thanks before

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I didnt' know how to do it but was looking for it so thanks to everyone!
