Saturday, October 27, 2007

Downloading Mandriva ISO

I have just finished downloading Mandriva 2008.0 ISO. At first, i wanted to use download manager to download all this ISOs (there are 3 ISO for CD version), but my cousin was running his bot for his online games, so i choose the safe way, using a browser. It's not the safest one actually, since there's a big risk when the download is stalled. I couldn't resume it.

The first attempt was made two days ago at around midnight. I left my computer up and running and in the morning, the download process was finished. Second attempt was this morning and again i left my computer because i had to go to my mid test. When i came back at around 11:30 AM, it has been finished. Wow... nice...

The third attempt was the longest one i guess, since i began downloading again at 2 PM, a bad time to download, since it's very slow usually. The third attempt finished around 8:20 PM, so it took about 6 hours to complete (without using any download manager, just a single thread of Firefox). The previous attempt was faster, which was about 4 hours (since i couldn't tell what time it finished it's job, but i can look for the main estimation when the download process has started). The speed was ranging about 29-40 KBps.

So far, i have downloaded Slackware 12.0 (3 CDs), OpenSUSE 10.3 (1 CD, KDE Only), Mandriva 2008.0 (3 CDs), and also (K)ubuntu 7.10 (2 CDs). So far, my used bandwidth this month is about 16 GB when i looked on speedy portal. It was more than that, i'm pretty sure, since speedy bandwidth meter sometimes gets reset automatically. I don't know why.


  1. Yang DVD aku download gak sampe sehari tuh :) via torrent

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    om saya bisa ngopi cd linux nya? kalo boleh saya maen ke jogja deh.. saya disolo.. mau donlod wah.. nda punya bandwith.. kalo boleh saya mau ngopi slackware sama mandrivanya.. mail me at makasih ya om (daniel,solo)

  3. wah beruntung banget tuh punya koneksi super cepat haha
    saya CD aja cukup pak hehehe

    mas daniel, silahkan aja dateng ke jogja, tapi janjian dulu ya?
    takutnya pas gak ada ditempat :D

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Mas - mas, kalo ngomongin download linux tlong sebutkan url ya...biar kita2 yang beda kota juga bisa download langsung, ga perlu nyari2 dulu,,:D

  5. Hampir semua khan ada di Kambing, ya tinggal cari aja disana
    lagian searching gak butuh waktu selama download kok :)
