Thursday, February 28, 2008

PR Goes Back to 6?

When i browsed my own blog, i noticed that my Google Page Rank extension showed 6 on the status bar, meaning that my page rank has increased and return to the original value (it was originally 6 before Google changed his algorithm and dropped my page rank to 5). Some blogger was quite lucky to get their page rank back in just a few days, but it took me more than a month to get it back to 6.

I'm not really sure if it's 6 or just a cache of the page rank, so if you have page rank extension, can you confirm it by giving comments on my blog. Curious, that's all...

Thanks big grin


  1. halo..

    saya gak punya ekstension yg anda bilang.. tp saya punya ekstension McAfee SiteAdvisor.. begitu saya ke blog sampeyan.. itu indikatornya jadi warna merah menunjukkan blog sampeyan ada apa2nya.. hehehe..

    sekedar info :D

  2. Anonymous7:25 AM

    iyah PR6, nice ;)

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    on FF search status, your homepage's PR is 6 :) congrats..

  4. Ardho: Saya sudah delete file yang bermasalah dan saya sudah kirim request kesana, tapi kayaknya situsnya tidak diupdate lagi

    Aldi + Dani : Thanks for the confirmation :)

  5. congrat deh mas atas PR 6-nya..btw,gimana nih tipsnya biar bisa kaya blognya mas willy? kasih trik dong buat newbie kayak saya...
