Friday, February 29, 2008

Internet Is Back

It's good to have the Internet connection back after one full day of disruption because of the broken under sea cable that affects all Speedy users. It's reported that the failure has been detected since last week (i experienced this, since my downloads often returned an error until i resumed it again), but it went down yesterday.

I missed lots of email that i had to replied yesterday and i couldn't do anything besides local work. Well, it's good to know it has came back alive (although i'm not sure it's 100% recovered).


  1. sama bro
    seharian kemarin ndak bisa konek
    eeeee.... bisa ya!
    tapi kalau koneksi IIX :)

  2. sekarang sudah bisa semua kok
    aku dah bisa download macem2 juga
