Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New Record

Today i played Shishen-Sho, one of the games included in KDEGame packages in KDE packages. It's a board game and the main goal of the game is to remove all block as fast as possible, because the faster you finish, you will get more score. Yesterday i have defeat my own record. For a long time, my best time was more than three minutes, but yesterday i managed to get less than three minutes (see the screenshot. It's not the latest screenshot. When i finish playing the game, everything was under 4 minutes). I do this without using right click (to locate the other card) or help (by pressing h to resolve the available steps). I was quite suprised, since i don't have any intention to beat my own record. I played the game to wait for my girlfriend, since she was watching MI3 (Mission Impossible 3) with her sister and some of her friends.


  1. Hahaha.. aku dulu sempat dpt score berapa ya main Shinsen-So ini. Dah lama banget.

    Jangan pake klik-kanan atau help, soalnya skor-mu bakal dipotong (dan kena tambahan waktu).

    Kalo mau curang pake screenshot sama pause :p

  2. masa dipotong kalo pake klik-kanan / help? setahuku gak dech. Pantes kalo sampe pake itu kok scorenya kecil banget :D
