Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Monitor

This morning, when i turned on my monitor, i was surprised to see that my monitor was kinda damaged. It blurred badly, but then it went back to normal after few seconds. So i tried to reproduce the problem by turning it off again for a little while. When i turned it on again, the same problem persists. But if i waited for several minutes, it went back to normal. Strange confused

So finally i decided to buy a new monitor, which is LCD. Why? Because it consumes less power and it has different technology compared to CRT monitors. I picked LG Flatron L1753S and it's sitting in front of me right now big grin

Good by my AoC monitor who has accompanied me for over than 7 years (i bought that monitor when i entered my college). I will repair that monitor and if it can be fixed, perhaps my girlfriend will use it (she has 15' in her house and mine is 17').


  1. Salam kenal..
    Coba deh monitor LG seri L2x6WU, bisa extent pake USB Connector (bukan VGA Card)

  2. wah terlambat mas, sudah beli monitornya hehehe
