Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bad News From RapidShare

Last night, i tried to download from rapidshare using my premium account and i got this message:
The premium account xxx is already in use within ip network Please try again later.
So i contacted RapidShare Support team and here's their answer:
Kindly note, because these days despite the interdiction the amount of shared accounts was rising, we had to take action. If the last number in your IP change, this will not cause the problem. The first three numbers must be same.

-> simultaneous downloads possible
-> no simultaneous downloads possible

So from now on, it is only allowed to sign up to your account from one place at the same time.

Please make sure that everytime you signed up to your account from another computer you delete the cookies afterwards, so you will not be blocked if you download from your computer again.
I guess it's the result of quota upgrade that they introduced earlier this month. With 50GB for five days, it won't be enough for one people to consume that, so the solution is using it with their friends so he can save some money (because the money he spent will be less and distributed to the amount of participants).

Until few days ago, this is not a problem. But after RapidShare took this steps, i think it will be a big problem for those who bought the account with their friends and they used different ISP, because the first three number of IP address will surely be different.

ARggghh... why is this happening when i wanted to extend my premium account for one year at wits end


  1. I hear you bro! this is totally unfair. imagine my plight... i got a premium account as well and i download using two separate internet connections simultaneously. so got the shock last night as well. man these guys are mean..

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    rapid-no-share dot com

  3. coba pake
