Friday, April 13, 2007

Weird Error Dialog

When i tried to do something on my project, i got this error message dialog. It's weird. If you see carefully, the error message is not consistent with the icons displayed. The message stated that the action completed successfully, but that's not what happen with the icon on the left side (X means an error or failed). What i did is try to insert a JPG image as an icon on a form. I don't know whether this bug has been fixed in VS2005 or not, but it still happened in VS2003 :D


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    kayaknya bug ketika ngecek nilai dari GetLastError() :D

  2. bukan, itu error ketika hendak memasukkan gambar jpg sebagai icon di VS2003

  3. tapi aneh ya, error kok bisa ngomong success segala :D
    Pesan yang aneh..
    itu masuk jadi bug tuh
