Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Snowy in Jogja

On June 15, there will be a great event in Jogja, called Snow International with a theme "Bersalju di Jogja" (Snowy in Jogja) which will be held in Saphir Square. Great, since finally i have a good reason to go to Saphir (believe it or not, i haven't been to Saphir ever, even though i have been in Jogja for about one month after i came back from Jakarta).

The grand opening will be on 10 - 11 AM and after that, it will be open for public. There will be a lot of ice craft and it's being crafted by seven famous ice crafter and became the world champion. The room temperature will be kept for -15 degrees to preserve the ice. This event will last for about two months, so you still had a lot of chance to see this event (just plan to go to Jogja in weekend).

I'm planning to go there and have a nice photo session (i don't know whether it's allowed or not, but we will see in the next few days). Just wait and see cool

Reference : Kedaulatan Rakyat


  1. Sama Will, aku juga belum pernah sekalipun ke Sapphire :D

  2. Anonymous5:41 PM

    waaaaa... kepingin. *segera nyiapin koper buat ke jogja* di banjarmasin puanaaasss....

  3. Yahya: wah rencana besok jumat berangkat ke saphire :D

    Mina: Ayoo... ke jogja donk... (mode promosi ON)

  4. wah asem ki.. padahal aku 2 minggu lalu baru ke jgj je..
    malah cuman ada bowling ama biliard aja
    hikss curang
    baru bisa balik lagi beberapa bulan mendatang...
    masi ada ga ya..
    padahal di jkt jg ada.. tapi jauhhh dul

  5. santai, masih ada waktu 2 bulan kok Yun :D
    balik lagi gih huahuahua
