Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Testing Speedy's Connection

Few days ago i have mentioned that Speedy was upgrading their bandwidth to several users. Today, i tested the connection using SpeedTest and here's the result. I use server in Jakarta as the first testing subject.

At the screenshot you can see that the download rate is 890 kb/s (kilobits per second) meaning that i can get around 111 KB/s (kilo bytes per second). The upload is 105 kb/s, meaning i can get around 13 KB/s. While this calculation is far from the offer (1024/128), it's far better than previous one (384/64). It's normal to have this number, as it's probably connected to IIX networks, so it should be very fast.

The second server that i used is on New York, USA. The result is shown below. If you see the number, don't get surprised, since it tried to access external server outside Indonesia. The speed dropped by half, but i think it's still quite fast.

Check the screenshot. Look for the name of the ISP. It's written PT. Telecomunikasi Indonesia. Telkom's people should write a complaints or request to change this big grin

Besides using this kind of testing, i also tried to download several big files, for example the latest VMWare (Server/Player) which approximately 160-180 MB each. Each file took me less than 30 minutes to complete with average of 105 KB/s. love struck

The strange thing is when i download files from Rapidshare, the speed is way below. I only got 50-60 KB/s. confused


  1. rapidshared's got a little bit different? perhaps they reserved bandwith, since most of people like me, have a bad hobbies, while playing in rapidshare :D

    well, i don't really know about speedy, since i don't have chance to try their access.

    but you write some interesting matter for a bandwidth eater :))

  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Hasil test dari Denpasar (nembak server di Surabaya) cuma dapet 251 kbps untuk download dan 48 kbps upload. Kok beda jauh ya ?

  3. doeljoni: i'm not sure about that. It's possible though.

    sumardika: sudah coba dicek di web interface di modem? Apakah nilai dari speedynya sudah berubah ke 1024/128 ?
    Selain itu bisa jadi servernya lagi penuh atau Anda sedang pake buat download, jadi kecepatannya drop.

    Ingat, itu cuma test rata-rata, tidak bisa menggambarkan kondisi nyatanya :D

  4. saya barusan test pake server surabaya, hasilnya bisa dilihat di sini

    869 KB/s download
    106 KB/s upload

  5. and why is this so heboh? di rumah saya pake first media download dari website manapun (rapidshare, dll) rata-rata 180kbps

  6. karena janji speedy aslinya cuma 384
    kalo yang first media khan emang dia dari awal janjinya segitu, jadi ya udah biasa

    lagian, ini gak heboh banget kok :D

  7. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Saya pakai modem TPLINK TD-8810. Di web interface mana setting speedy bisa dilihat?
    Di web interface cuma ada data statistik (read only)

  8. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Saya pakai modem TPLINK TD-8810. Di web interface mana setting speedy bisa dilihat?
    Di web interface cuma ada data statistik (read only)

  9. saya gak pake modem itu, tapi coba aja cari2 informasi seperti gambar pada blog saya yang ini

  10. saya ambil paket 384kbps juga koq tarifnya 99rb/bln.

  11. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Waduh speedy tarif e wis turun to,,
    tapi wat planggan lama tarif e sami mawon ra?

  12. Setahu saya itu berlaku untuk semua pelanggan speedy dech

  13. Anonymous3:53 PM

    wah, di pulau Jawa sudah ada upgrade bandwith yah? ck..ck..ck di Medan belum ada tuh isu yang dibawa angin seputar upgrade bandwith.

    barangkali karena masih 'menguasai pasar' yee..

  14. Saya pakai fastnet 768 kbps. Dalam dua minggu terakhir ini download dari rapidshare kecepatannya turun drastis. Hari ini paling drastis, saya cuma dapat 7 KB/s... aneh...padahal sebelumnya minimal 90 KB/s... dan pernah mencapai puncaknya sekitar 3 minggu yang lalu, bisa sekitar 180 KB/s bahkan lebih.

  15. Yup, belakangan saya juga bermasalah dengan rapidshare, tapi kalau malam sudah mendingan, sudah bisa naik lagi jadi 50-60 KB/s
