Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Apple Safari 3.1

Apple has released Apple Safari 3.1 and this time, their product is no longer marked as beta, meaning that public users can use it. According to their test, it can deliver higher performance compared to Firefox and Opera (i don't know whey they don't include IE on the benchmark).

I have download the latest Safari and since it's only available in Windows and Mac platform, i used Wine (0.9.57) to install it on my Slackware. It was installed perfectly, but when i tried to ran it, i got a stack dump and i can't execute it. Too bad. I really wanted to test the latest browser from Apple. Let's hope Wine's developer will add Safari on their TODO list in the future (before 1.0 gets released).


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Bonjournya harus diinstall kah?
    Di tempatku kok error ya (pake Windows asli, maksudnya asli bukan berjalan di atas Wine, hehehe)

  2. kurang tahu je pak
    Sudah coba kalo diinstall?
    aku sih tadi di Linux gak tak install :D

  3. sudah install yanag versi pertamanya, dan ada bug ketika posting di blogger yg membuat posting jadi hilang, dan berhenti memakainya setelah itu;
    pernah juga kasih masukan ke Apple bahwa font-ny kegendutan.
    pengen nyoba lagi kapan2, salam.

  4. versi pertama beta ya?
    kalo beta sih wajar wajar aja kalo bermasalah (dan emang banyak yg komplain)

    sekarang sih udah lumayan kayaknya, soalnya banyak review yg bilang bagus
