Saturday, March 29, 2008

Big Loss

This morning (at midnight), my girlfriend's father has passed away. She called me at midnight and i went to her house until this morning to calm her down. She cried all night long, because it was so sudden. Nobody expected this would come so fast, mostly because there was no symptoms at all. Her family suffered big lost. They will missed a father, husband, grand father, and father-in-law.

May his soul rest in peace praying


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Turut berduka cita.
    Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan.

  2. semoga diberkahi oleh yang kuasa dan yang ditinggalkan diberikan ketabahan dan kekuatan. Amiin.

  3. saya mewakili keluarga, mengucapkan terima kasih atas doanya

    semoga amal dan kebaikan rekan rekan dibalas oleh Yang Diatas

  4. Turut berduka cita ya. May his soul rest in peace.
